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Top 10's of 2021

2021 was a year for the books! Some of our team have put together their list of the top 10 songs and albums that came out in 2021. Check it out and maybe you'll find some hidden gems.

Arlene Vivar

  1. Turnstile Glow on

  2. For Lack Of A Term Welcome to Your New Normal

  3. Maintenance O b s e c u r i t y

  4. Shakeout 2005

  5. Virginity We Get it

  6. Talk Me Off I Hate My Life

  7. Glow & The Dark I Don’t Want to Skate

  8. Debt Neglector Cult Cult Cult

  9. Willow t r a n s p a r e n t s o u l

  10. Nominee Wrah Wrah

Amanda Epstein

  1. Delta Rae The Dark

  2. Carrie Welling and Alex Wong Monster (Night)

  3. Eva Under Fire ft. Jonathan Dörr Comatose

  4. Liz Bills and the Change Come Back Down To Me

  5. Ad Infinitum Unstoppable

  6. Brooke Alexx Oldest

  7. Halestorm Back From The Dead

  8. Hayden Joseph Out

  9. Annie Brobst Amazing Greats

  10. Lucy Spraggan Flowers



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