Marking her grandmother’s birthday after she passed away in 2018, Cleveland-based singer-songwriter Judelyn has launched her debut album I’ll Never Understand. Across the 11-track collection, the 18-year-old artist navigates early adulthood growing pains, writes through the experience of a first major family death, and uses music to process her experience with sexual assault with soft guitar tones, ethereal vocals, and a gentle approach to each and every challenging topic at hand. Transporting listeners into her own blossoming world and mirroring their own teenage existence, Judelyn takes inspiration from the likes of Billie Eilish, Melanie Martinez, and Lana Del Rey.
Beginning by releasing covers on YouTube, Judelyn is now ready to shine as her own songwriter. Throughout junior high and throughout high school, Judelyn has overcome being bullied or being laughed at by her peers for wanting to pursue music—I’ll Never Understand is a reflection of her strength and dedication as an artist. With a newly found sense of self and a growing understanding of the world around her, she is a breath of fresh air to music listeners who are both young and young at heart.
“I had written the album when I was 14 years old,” Judelyn shares. “It is composed of 11 songs that I had worked on for the past 4 years. I had jumped from producer to producer to at-home studios when I finally really clicked with my producer Chris DiCola [at Signal Flow Studios]. I am very excited to finally release what I have been working on for so long. I started writing the album in 2019. I taught myself how to play guitar using Youtube videos and chord diagrams on Google. I then started writing my own chord progressions and started writing to them. I started getting into music after my grandma Judy had passed to help me cope with my first major loss.”
Cleveland-based 18-year-old singer/songwriter Judelyn started her musical journey in the spring of 2018. After losing her grandmother unexpectedly, she needed an outlet to process her loss. A dusty, unused guitar that she received as a Christmas present in the first grade peaked her attention. Judelyn picked it up and was determined to learn it. After teaching herself basic chords and a few covers she found herself longing to write her own music to spill out all of her own feelings. Writing song after song, she realized it was time for other people to hear them too. Singles "goodnite" and "Autumn Leaves" mark the beginning of a long and wondrous musical journey ahead. She has migrated from a bedroom studio to producer to producer and has been working on her album I'll Never Understand since the 8th grade.