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Catch The "Sunset" With Amanda McCarthy

Amanda McCarthy is one of those artists who says so much with her lyrics. There are layers upon layers of meanings and messages. Her latest song “Sunset” is no different. Whether she is singing about a person, a place or a thing, her words hit just right. Her sound cannot be defined by genre either, but this latest track may be one of the most pop songs she’s done.

When do you know that it’s time to let something, or someone, go? This is all about letting the sun set on that person you need to let go of and closing that chapter in your life. She sings about biting her nails and doing things to keep herself from picking up the phone and falling into old habits with that person.

What starts off slow lends itself to making you believe it will be a ballad, but nope. It doesn’t take long before multiple instruments chime in to pick up the tempo and get you dancing. Right at the end she gives this acapella echo section that ads yet another sound to the layers in this track. Simple lyrics in the chorus that repeat make this song such an ear worm that it gets stuck in your head so fast. You’ll be singing about this sunset for days.

There is an 80’s vibe to this song in its musicality. Imagine an 80’s movie montage of Amanda dancing and twirling along various beaches at sunset. That’s the vibe thing gives.



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