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(Album Review) Sweet Reunion by Phoebe Katis

To say that Sweet Reunion deserves more attention would be an understatement. Singer-songwriter, Phoebe Katis, shines her talent through recent album Sweet Reunion released on July 16, 2021. The album showcases alt-pop songs with different vibes that allows listeners to explore several aspects of life, including a commonly sought-after theme: love.

After an emotional introduction track with somber vocals and instrumentals, the album takes us through different moods and stages we all go through. While listening, it really reminded me of what it is like to be a woman and the thoughts I have sometimes when I let my mind wander too much. Katis takes listeners on a peculiar journey as the songs change between searching for love and searching for a sense of self. The songs themselves all fit together in the album cohesively while Katis demonstrates her shape-shifting abilities to tell a different story in every track.

Although I must admit, Katis’s music genre is not my cup of tea, I thoroughly enjoyed the ambiance it exuded. My favorite track is Paris.

Now, now I'm living in Paris

And I'm taking my chances

On figuring this out oh and

Even though I'm alone in Paris

I know I'm gonna make it

Paris resonated with me for various reasons, but it really reminded me of the hussle we’re all in. Paris tells us that we don’t need anyone to hold our hands as we grow and accomplish our own goals. We can do this on our own! Self-love, yeah! Not only does it unfold a story of letting a loved one go, it explores the theme of courage and even provides a sonically poppy and happy tune. Letting go doesn’t have to be sad and it shouldn’t be sad! Take it best from Phoebe Katis herself.

My next favorite track is How Far We Come (can you tell I’m a strong advocate of self-love and self-advocacy?). This is the ending song and as I have been repeating myself over and over again, Katis’s album goes through life’s journey. I appreciate that the album ended with a sentimental song like this. It differs from Paris in that it’s a slower song and will make you sit and reminisce on memories. I mean, who doesn’t ever pretend like they’re the main character in a movie, looking out the window on a rainy day?

If you’re ever in a situation where you don’t know what to do and you’re in need of some motivation and chill music that will help re-energize your emotional and mental stability, I recommend giving Sweet Reunion a try. It’s definitely an album to play in the morning to get yourself in the right mindset.

Check out Sweet Reunion and follow Phoebe Katsis

By: Riel



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